black slate中文什么意思

发音:   用"black slate"造句
  • black:    adj. 1.黑,黑色的。 2.暗的 ...
  • slate:     slate2 vt. 1 ...
  • slate black:    石板黑。
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  1. Manufactory profile : manufactory lies in xingzi county jiangxi province , have a black slate mountain
  2. Manufactory profile : manufactory lies in zhenping county shanxi province , have a black slate mountain
  3. The car ploughed uphill through the long squalid straggle of tevershall , the blackened brick dwellings , the black slate roofs glistening their sharp edges , the mud black with coal - dust , the pavements wet and black . it was as if dismalness had soaked through and through everything
  4. It stood on an eminence in a rather line old park of oak trees , but alas , one could see in the near distance the chimney of tevershall pit , with its clouds of steam and smoke , and on the damp , hazy distance of the hill the raw straggle of tevershall village , a village which began almost at the park gates , and trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long and gruesome mile : houses , rows of wretched , small , begrimed , brick houses , with black slate roofs for lids , sharp angles and wilful , blank dreariness


Black Slate are a reggae band based in the United Kingdom, and formed in 1974. They toured heavily around London and backed Jamaican musicians such as Dennis Brown, Delroy Wilson, and Ken Boothe when they played in the UK.


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